Cheese of the Month

Each month the Cheese Lady locations will feature a delectable new cheese at a special rate. Be sure to check back each month for the our new “Cheese of the Month”.

To celebrate 20 years of The Cheese Lady, we are rolling back the price of Irish Cheddar to what it was in 2004!

Enjoy this deliciously, creamy cheddar for only $10.00 a pound for the month of August 2024.

Irish Cheddar

Cow Milk
County Tipperary of Ireland is the idyllic setting for the production of delicious Tipperary Irish Cheddar. Tipperary Cheese, aged over twelve months, has a rich creamy texture, which just melts in your mouth. It has a delicious sharp taste, which satisfies the appetite for a snack whether on a cracker or a slice of bread. The rich yellow color in Tipperary Cheddar comes about as a result of plentiful Beta Carotene in the milk, which develops in the rich, fertile grasses that feed the cattle.